Development and growth of compound tooth plates in Callorhinchus milii (chondrichthyes, holocephali)

The chimaeroid holocephalian fishes are distinguished among extant chondrichthyans by the possession of three pairs of tooth plates, evergrowing and partially hypermineralized, that are not shed and replaced like the teeth of living elasmobranchs. Although derivation of the chimaeroid tooth plate from the fusion of members of a plesiomorphic chondrichthyan tooth family has been proposed, evidence for this hypothesis has been lacking. A new analysis of the development and structure of the tooth plates in Callorhinchus milii (Holocephali, Chimaeriformes) reveals the compound nature of the tooth plates in a chimaeroid fish. Each tooth plate consists of an oral and aboral territory that form independently in the embryo and maintain separate growth surfaces through life. The descending lamina on the aboral surface of the tooth plate demarcates the growth surface of the aboral territory. Comparison with the tooth plates of Chimaera monstrosa indicates that compound tooth plates may be a feature of all chimaeroids in which a descending lamina is present. The tooth plates in these fishes represent the fusion of two members of a reduced tooth family. The condition of the tooth plates in C. milii is plesiomorphic for chimaeroids and is of evolutionary significance in that it provides further evidence to support a lyodont dentition in chimaeroid fishes similar to that found in other chondrichthyans.

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