The effect of serum on motility of human spermatozoa in culture

The motility of spermatozoa was higher at 6-22 h in Ham''s F10 culture medium supplemented with 20-30% human serum than with lower proportions of serum or with 1% human serum albumin. Heat treatment ( C, 1 h) charcoal extraction and dialysis (18,000 molecular weight cut-off) of the serum did not reduce sperm motility suggesting that high molecular weight components are responsible for maintenance of motility. Renewing the medium (Ham''s F10 with 30% serum) at 7 h resulted in better sperm motility and velocity at 22 h. At 22 h the pO2, pCO2, pH and sodium concentrations were not different in replenished and control cultures, but the concentration of glucose was higher and that of potassium lower if the medium was changed. These results suggest that addition of 20-30% human serum and renewal of medium at intervals is beneficial for sperm culture and may be of use in in vitro fertilization.