Trends in mortality from cerebrovascular disease in France from 1968 to 1978. With reference to cardiovascular and all causes of death.

Cerebrovascular disease mortality in France during the period 1968-1978 was compared with cardiovascular and all other causes of death. Our study demonstrated a 25% decline in the age-adjusted cerebrovascular disease mortality rates in both sexes and particularly in the middle-aged groups. This decline is greater than that of the general causes of mortality, which was on the order of 20%. It parallels the decline in congestive heart failure mortality but differs from that of ischemic heart disease. Nevertheless, despite the increase in the proportion of elderly people in the population, the total number of deaths from cerebrovascular diseases has remained almost unchanged, although the deaths occur at a higher age than previously. If this trend is confirmed, cerebrovascular diseases will remain one of the more frequent causes of death in the elderly and thus a social problem of crucial importance.