It is shown, in the "elementary-particle" treatment, that, if the source to produce the background B12(g.s.) comes only from the cascade processes μC12(g.s.)νμB*12(2.62)νμB12(g.s.) γ, the average polarization of the recoil B12(g.s.) produced by the direct polarized-muon capture μC12(g.s.)νμB12(g.s.) can be extracted reliably from the observed angular distribution of the electrons in the subsequent beta decays of B12(g.s.). Using the recent data of Possoz et al, our result for the average polarization Pav of the recoil B12(g.s.) from the direct polarized-muon capture is Pav=0.47±0.05, which agrees very well with the prediction of the standard picture, namely, conservation of vector current, partial conservation of axial vector current, and absence of second-class axial currents.