Vascular involvement in cutaneous sarcoidosis

Sarcoldorls is a systemlc granulomatous disease with systemic vascular Involvement, that Is, granulomatous anglitis and mieroanglapathy. To detarmlne if there is vascular Invoivement In cutaneous sarcoidosls, we examined 42 skin specimens taken from 32 patients with cutaneous lesions of narcoidosls. Cutaneous sarcoidosis was prevalent In older females with high serum anglotensin‐converting enzyme (ACE) levels. Most skin lesions appeered during the following up of narcoldosis. Granulomatous anglitls was present in 12 specimens of sarcold skin lesions (30.8%). Eight of the 12 specimens showed venous Involvement In the dermis. There was no correlation between the Incldence of granulomatous anglitis and the gross pattern of cutaneous sarcoldosls. Immunohistochemically, thrombomodulln was negative in the vascular endothelium close to the granuloma or a peri‐phlebltis lesion. Electron mlcroscopy revealed endothelial swelling, Iumlnal narrowing, and basal Iamina Iayering of the basement membrane in the capillaries and venules in the dermis. These findings demonstreted that granulomatous anglitis and mictoanglopathy coexist in cutaneous sarcoldosis.

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