Human–Mouse Gene Identification by Comparative Evidence Integration and Evolutionary Analysis

The identification of genes in the human genome remains a challenge, as the actual predictions appear to disagree tremendously and vary dramatically on the basis of the specific gene-finding methodology used. Because the pattern of conservation in coding regions is expected to be different from intronic or intergenic regions, a comparative computational analysis can lead, in principle, to an improved computational identification of genes in the human genome by using a reference, such as mouse genome. However, this comparative methodology critically depends on three important factors: (1) the selection of the most appropriate reference genome. In particular, it is not clear whether the mouse is at the correct evolutionary distance from the human to provide sufficiently distinctive conservation levels in different genomic regions, (2) the selection of comparative features that provide the most benefit to gene recognition, and (3) the selection of evidence integration architecture that effectively interprets the comparative features. We address the first question by a novel evolutionary analysis that allows us to explicitly correlate the performance of the gene recognition system with the evolutionary distance (time) between the two genomes. Our simulation results indicate that there is a wide range of reference genomes at different evolutionary time points that appear to deliver reasonable comparative prediction of human genes. In particular, the evolutionary time between human and mouse generally falls in the region of good performance; however, better accuracy might be achieved with a reference genome further than mouse. To address the second question, we propose several natural comparative measures of conservation for identifying exons and exon boundaries. Finally, we experiment with Bayesian networks for the integration of comparative and compositional evidence.