Characterization of a yeast mitochondrial locus necessary for tRNA biosynthesis

Yeast mitochondrial DNA codes for a complete set of tRNAs. Although most components necessary for the biosynthesis of mitochondrial tRNA are coded by nuclear genes, there is one genetic locus on mitochondrial DNA necessary for the synthesis of mitochondrial tRNAs other than the mitochondrial tRNA genes themselves. Characterization of mutants by deletion mapping and restriction enzyme mapping studies has provided a precise location of this yeast mitochondrial tRNA synthesis locus. Deletion mutants retaining various segments of mitochondrial DNA were examined for their ability to synthesize tRNAs from the genes they retain. A subset of these strains was also tested for the ability to provide the tRNA synthesis function in complementation tests with deletion mutants unable to synthesize mature mitochondrial tRNAs. By correlating the tRNA synthetic ability with the presence or absence of certain wild-type restriction fragments, we have confined the locus to within 780 base pairs of DNA located between the tRNA f Met gene and tRNAPro gene, at 29 units on the wild-type map. Heretofore, no genetic function or gene product had been localized in this area of the yeast mitochondrial genome.