The Role of Allergy in the Etiopathogenesis of Laryngeal Mucosal Lesions

HoČwar-Boltežar I, Radšel Z, Žargi M. The role of allergy in the etiopathogenesis of laryngeal mucosal lesions. Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh) 1997; Suppl 527: 134-137. The results of this study showed that allergy is an important factor in the etiopathogenesis of laryngeal mucosal lesions. Despite adequate treatment, no other Unfavourable factors appeared to have significant influence on the results of the treatment. It seems that hypersensitivity to different inhalatory and nutritional allergens make laryngeal mucosa more susceptible for adverse action of other factors: vocal misuse, gastroesophageal reflux (GER), smoking, irritants in the surrounding microclimate, endocrinologic disorders, etc. Acting together, all these factors cause the development of laryngeal mucosal lesions. In the treatment of noninfectious laryngitis, vocal cord nodules, polyps or Reinke's edema. all the stated adverse factors shoula be identified and suitably diminished or eliminated. Allergy (Ig-E-mediated and non-IgE-mediated) should be considered as only one of the etiopdthogenetic factors.

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