The dynamics of the first-order phase transition in systems with p-fold degeneracy (p2) is discussed. A scaling analysis of a phenomenological kinetic equation is discussed to obtain various prototypes of droplet growth rates from a unified viewpoint. A process of repetitious switching of the growth mechanisms is discussed relying on the dynamic-scaling assumption. The effect of this process gives the growth rate of droplet radius R ta* with a* being a weighted average of the exponents of elementary processes associated. The crossover from a slow growth rate to large one need not occur, nor does the growth rate need to approach a universal law. The final growth rate may depend on system parameters such as concentration, temperature, degeneracy, and so on. Using a simplified cell model, we calculate the droplet growth rate in the case where p phases have the same average density. Droplet radius R grows by means of a curvature-driven force for ppc13d1, and mainly by means of an entropy (or thermal) force for ppc5d, where d is the dimensionality. Here pc=pc=2 for d=1 and pc=7 and pc=19 for d=2, however. For such a temperature as T<Tceξ1R the entropy force does not apply and an exponentially weak attractive force drives droplet growth instead. Here ξ is the thermal correlation length and Tc the transition temperature. The exponent a* takes constant values both for p<pc and p>pc. For pcppc, a* monotonically decreases as p increases. These predictions are consistent with recent numerical simulations of Sahni et al. and of Sadiq et al.