Glass beads are coated with 10% highly dispersed ferric oxide, 1% Carbowax, and 0.1% potassium hydroxide. The mechanical properties of these porous layer glass beads (PLB) are good enough to allow programmed pressure gas chromatography (PPGC). Relative retentions of aromatics, vapour pressure, and bleeding of this gas adsorption layer are compared with those of Chromosorb-P coated with 10% Carbowax. Reproducible preparation and the advantages of these PLB are discussed. The high rate of mass transfer results in excellent efficiency (n = 5500/meter at k′ = 2.2) and in a short time of analysis with columns packed with PLB. This is demonstrated with isothermal and isobaric separation of chlorinated paraffins and condensed aromatics. Equipment for isothermal PPGC is described. The advantages of the isothermal flow rate program over programmed temperature work are pointed out. Isothermal flow programmed separation of condensed aromatics up to an atmospheric boiling point of 410°C is shown. The base line separation of C6–C22 n-paraffins requires less than 8 minutes, whereas the C6–C12 homologous members can be resolved in less than 60 seconds. The C12–C27 n-paraffins were analysed only at 230°C. Some of the C8–C18 fatty acid methyl esters are resolved in 100 seconds. The temperature of analysis in isothermal PPGC in PLB columns is about 200°C less than the atmospheric boiling point of the last compound. The combination of flow and temperature programmed gas chromatography is possible.