Polarized Electronic Absorption Spectrum of Tetragonal NiCl42− Cs3(MgCl4)Cl

The optical absorption spectrum (4000–17 000 Å) of crystals of Cs2(Mg0.996Ni0.004Cl4)Cl was measured at approximately 5 and 80°K. The host material was found by x‐ray diffraction to have the Cs3(CoCl4)Cl structure (I4 / mcm) at temperatures down to at least 10°K. In the solid solution the spectra showed that nickel(II) substituted for magnesium, which lies at sites of D2d symmetry with the principal axis aligned with the c axis of the tetragonal crystal. Spectra were measured in both E ⊥ c and E ‖ c polarizations, and the results were in accord with a ligand‐field model having B, C, ξ, B02, B04, and B44 as parameters. Numerous phonon‐creation bands were observed that provided information about excited state potential wells and nuclear motions. In some band systems the individual bands were unusually narrow and well resolved.