Chromosome-specific recombinant DNA libraries from the fungusAspergillus nidulans

Development of physical genomic maps is facilitated by identification of overlapping recombinant DNA clones containing long chromosomal DNA inserts. To simplify the analysis required to determine which clones in a genomic library overlap one another, we partitioned Aspergillus nidulans cosmid libraries into chromosome-specific subcollections. The eight A. nidulans chromosomes were resolved by pulsed field gel electrophoresis and hybridized to filter replicas of cosmid libraries. The subcollections obtained appeared to be representative of the chromosomes based on the correspondence between subcollection size and chromosome length. A sufficient number of clones was obtained in each chromosome-specific subcollection to predict the overlap and assembly of individual clones into a limited number of contiguous regions. This approach should be applicable to many organisms whose genomes can be resolved by pulsed field gel electrophoresis.