Genetic analysis of supraoperonic clustering by use of natural transformation in Acinetobacter calcoaceticus

DNA within Escherichia coli colonies carrying cloned Acinetobacter calcoaceticus genes transforms mutant A. calocaceticus cells with high efficiency. Therefore, E. coli colonies containing such cloned genes can be identified by replica plating onto a lawn of A. calcoaceticus mutant cells. Transformation of A. calcoaceticus also facilitates gap repair and thus allows recovery of specified chromosomal segments in recombinant plasmids. These procedures were used to demonstrate the clustering of A. calcoaceticus genes required for utilization of p-hydroxybenzoate. Chromosomal linkage of the bacterial genes, contained in different operons separated by about 10 kbp of DNA, may have been selected on the basis of their physiological interdependence.