A systematic collection of 100 grass species, which represents 50 genera, 13 tribes and all 6 subfamilies of the Gramineae occurring naturally in Mississippi, was tested for reaction to maize dwarf mosaic virus strains A (MDMV-A) and B (MDMV-B) and sugarcane mosaic virus B (SCMV-B). These grasses included 76 host (56 of them new) of MDMV-A, MDMV-B, or SCMV-B. Of the 76 host species, belonging to 40 genera, 71 were susceptible to MDMV-A, 62 were susceptible to MDMV-B and 58 were susceptible to SCMV-B. The 3 virus strains infected 50 of the same species; 24 grasses were immune to all 3 viruses and represent new nonhosts. The following 12 genera are reported for the 1st time to contain host species of MDMV or SCMV: Brachyelytrum, Chasmanthium, Dichanthelium, Distichlis, Eremochloa, Gymnopogon, Imperata, Leptoloma, Manisuris, Microstegium, Oplismenus and Sacciolepis. Susceptible species were found in 5 of the 6 subfamilies. The subfamilies Panicoideae and Festucoideae contained the highest and the lowest percentage of host species, respectively. The greatest differences in the host ranges of MDMV and SCMV were observed in the subfamily Eragrostoideae (Chlorideae). Several new perennial hosts with extensive distribution in the USA are suggested as potential overwintering hosts of MDMV-B. With the addition of the new hosts, there are now 251 grass species reported to be hosts of MDMV and 197 grass species reported as hosts of SCMV.

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