Restriction site polymorphism at the LPA (Lp(a) apoliprotein; apoliprotein(a)) locus

A restriction site polymorphism in the Lp(a) apoliprotein gene (the LPA gene) is reported. The basis for the polymorphism is presence or absence of an MspI restriction site that appears to be 3'' to the last kringle IV structure of the gene. The "1" gene (presence of the restriction site) has a frequency of 0.316 and the "2" gene (absence of the restriction site) has a frequency of 0.684. Both members of each of 67 monozygotic (MZ) twin pairs had the same genotype and there was Mendelian segregation of the DNA variants in 40 families with a total of 75 children. There was a lower proportion of people with genotype 1-1 in the top quartile than in the 3 bottom quartiles of the population distribution of Lp(a) lipoprotein levels but the difference did not reach statistical significance.