Eumetabolic Goitrous Adult with Iodopre albumin in Thyroid Tissue and Blood

A euthyroid patient with non-thyroglobulin iodoprotein in thyroid tissue and plasma is presented. The iodoproteins of the goitrous tissue have been purified by phosphate fractionation and DEAE-cellulose chromatography and characterized by paper electrophoretic mobility as an iodoprealbumin-like protein. It represented more than 60% of total thyroid radioactivity 24 hr after 131I administration, whereas thyroglobulin accounted for only 13%. The ratio of radioactivity in DIT to that in MIT was about 1.8, both in the iodoprealbumin-like and in the thyroglobulin-like proteins. The familial character of the goiter investigated is highly probable.