On growth of the octopusEledone cirrhosa

The growth of the octopus Eledone cirrhosa has been studied in a population from the North Sea off Aberdeen. Data are presented for the growth of individuals isolated in aquarium conditions; the growth of size classes in thefieldpopulation; and preliminary information on the growth relationships of gonad, somatic, cardiac and brain components of the body.At 15 °C Eledone cirrhosa is capable of growing from 10 to 1000 g in 270 days. From octopuses which feed readily in captivity, weight specific growth rates of up to about 3–5 % day-1 for animals of 100 g body weight are recorded, falling to a maximum of about 1–5 % day-1 at body sizes above 500 g. Females stop growing when sexually mature, but in the sample captured they were consistently larger than males, a feature which may account for the 7:1 bias towards the incidence of females. On a wet-weight basis, the mean food incorporation into growth is 37 % of the food ingested, which is 49% of the gross weight of crabs killed. Field data for 1978/79 suggest that animals recruited to the population at the beginning of the year grew steadily until December, overwintered without growing, then grew rapidly for several months in the subsequent year before disappearing from the samples. The estimated average age of those animals and by implication, the life span, is 20 months.