Gastropod intermediate hosts and transmission of Parelaphostrongylus odocoilei, a muscle-inhabiting nematode of mule deer, Odocoileus h. hemionus, in Jasper National Park, Alberta

Over 11 000 gastropods from Jasper National Park, Alberta, were examined (1976–1977) for larvae of Parelaphostrongylus odocoilei. Seven species of gastropods were infected: Deroceras laeve (5.3%), Zonitoides nitidus (1.5%), Euconulus fulvus (1.3%), Discus shimeki (1.2%), Zonitoides arboreus (0.8%), Vitrina limpida (0.7%), and Discus cronkhitei (0.6%). Examination of deer feces collected throughout the year (1974–1980) for first-stage larvae of P. odocoilei indicated maximum numbers were passed in March and April. All deer became infected as fawns in autumn apparently by accidently ingesting infected gastropods.