HLA-types, C-peptide and insulin antibodies in juvenile diabetes

HLA-types were determined in 102 juvenile diabetics. HLA-B8 was found in 39 patients (RR 2.64; p < 0.01) and HLA-BW15 in 32 patients (RR 1.33; n.s.). HLA-B7 was found in 14 patients (RR 0.40; p < 0.05). There were no correlations between HLA-B8 or BW15 and family history of diabetes, occurrence of infection before onset of diabetes, ketonuria at onset or the age at onset of diabetes. Serum C-peptide, insulin binding capacity of IgG and total serum insulin, IRI, were determined in 94 patients who had had diabetes for more than two years and who were beyond the remission period. Measurable amounts of C-peptide were found in 33 patients (34.7%). There was no evidence of a relationship between any particular HLA-antigen and the B-cell function except for an increased incidence of detectable C-peptide in patients with HLA-B18 and a tendency to a decreased incidence of detectable C-peptide in patients with the combination HLA-B8, W15. Only four patients (4.3%) were lacking insulin antibodies. HLA-BW15 positive patients had higher levels of insulin antibodies than other groups, while HLA-B7 positive patients had lower levels. The results suggest that HLA-B7 and HLA-B 18 might be associated with a different and perhaps milder form of juvenile diabetes.