Effects of hemicholinium-3 and sodium ions on choline uptake system in excised superior cervical sympathetic ganglia of rats

Active choline uptake by rat superior cervical sympathetic ganglia (SCG), which contain abundant cholinergic nerve terminals, was studied with respect to sensitivity to inhibition by hemicholinium-3 (HC-3) and dependence on extracellular Na+ under standard conditions of assay. Choline was taken up by a single saturable process with apparentK m=3.07×10−5 M and Vmax=286 pmoles/min/mg protein. Neither denervation followed by degeneration of cholinergic nerve terminals nor axotomy with successive neuronal degeneration significantly decreased in choline uptake by the ganglia in vitro. HC-3 dose-dependently inhibited ganglionic choline uptake more effectively at lower than at higher choline concentrations. HC-3 sensitive inhibition of ganglionic choline uptake was not seen in young rats one week after birth but appeared with maturity, attaining approximately 50% maximal inhibition in adult SCG. Extent of inhibition by HC-3 and Na+ dependence of ganglionic choline uptake was not altered by denervation or axotomy.