6-Hydroxy-2-methylaminopurine, 2-dimethyl-amino-6-hydro-xypurine and 1-methylguanine have been detected in ribonucleic acid (RNA) from several sources in amounts varying from 0.05 to 49% of the uracil. The compounds were isolated as the ribosides and identified by chromatographic and spectroscopic comparison with synthetic samples. Each of the ribosides was converted into the base, which was similarly identified. The ribonucleoside 2[image]- and 3[image]-phosphates have also been isolated, and other evidence indicates that the 3 nucleosides were originally present in 3[image], 5[image]-phosphodiester linkage in the RNA. None of the methylated guanines was found in the RNA of tobacco-mosaic and turnip-yellow-mosaic viruses. 2-Dimethylamino-6-hydroxypurine was absent from the RNA of Aerobacter aerogenes. The highest proportions of the methylated guanines were found in the soluble RNA fraction of rat liver.