Toroidal gyro-Landau fluid model turbulence simulations in a nonlinear ballooning mode representation with radial modes

The method of Hammett and Perkins [Phys. Rev. Lett. 64, 3019 (1990)] to model Landau damping has been recently applied to the moments of the gyrokinetic equation with curvature drift by Waltz, Dominguez, and Hammett [Phys. Fluids B 4, 3138 (1992)]. The higher moments are truncated in terms of the lower moments (density, parallel velocity, and parallel and perpendicular pressure) by modeling the deviation from a perturbed Maxwellian to fit the kinetic response function at all values of the kinetic parameters: kvth/ω, b=(kρ)2/2, and ωD/ω. Here the resulting gyro‐Landau fluid equations are applied to the simulation of ion temperature gradient (ITG) mode turbulence in toroidal geometry using a novel three‐dimensional (3‐D) nonlinear ballooning mode representation. The representation is a Fourier transform of a field line following basis (ky,kx,z’) with periodicity in toroidal and poloidal angles. Particular emphasis is given to the role of nonlinearly generated n=0 (ky = 0, kx ≠ 0) ‘‘radial modes’’ in stabilizing the transport from the finite‐n ITG ballooning modes. Detailing the parametric dependence of toroidal ITG turbulence is a key result.