Do candy cigarettes encourage young people to smoke?

Methods We searched for items referring to “candy cigarettes” and related terms from several sources. We identified public documents, government records, and journal articles by using Nexis to search news articles in English from 1980 to 1999. We also searched indexed documents from the files of American Tobacco, the Council for Tobacco Research, the Tobacco Institute, Lorillard, Philip Morris, R J Reynolds, and Brown and Williamson (collected at the Minnesota Tobacco Document Depository). Of 571 documents identified, most were summaries of proceedings of distributor associations for tobacco and confectionery containing no references to candy cigarettes; 153 documents addressed candy cigarettes, and these were analysed. Additionally, we searched Medline (1964 to date), Westlaw, a legal database of US court decisions, and the files of the Iowa Department of Justice, which in 1997–8 had examined candy cigarettes as an influence on under-age smoking.3 Acknowledgments We thank Donna Spencer for preparing the manuscript. SStC is an assistant attorney general in the Iowa Department of Justice. The opinions contained herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of the Iowa Attorney General or the Iowa Department of Justice. Contributors: JDK and SStC participated in the conceptualisation, research, analyses, and writing of this article. Both will act as guarantors for the paper.

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