PEG embedding for immunocytochemistry: application to the analysis of immunoreactivity loss during histological processing.

We have developed a protocol for the production and longterm storage of polyethylene glycol (PEG) sections for immunocytochemistry. Sections obtained by this protocol allow immunolabeling for many different antigens, such as intermediate filaments, macrophage markers, or neurotransmitter enzymes. Standard histological staining can also be performed on these sections. This fixation-embedding system may therefore be of interest for histopathology of rare specimens, as well as for experimental research. Multiple labeling can be performed either on the same section or on consecutive thin sections, thus allowing a more thorough analysis of precious experimental material. We compare the advantages of PEG vs cryostat or vibratome sections. This protocol has been used to study the inactivation of antigenicity by paraffin embedding. We have identified the infiltration by paraffin as the antigenicity inactivating step, not dehydration or high temperature as generally thought.

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