Analysis of photoemission in amorphousSiOxandSiNxalloys in terms of a charge-transfer model

Shifts of the Si 2p, O 1s, and N 1s core-level spectra with the O or N content x for amorphous (a-) SiOx and SiNx films were examined by means of the effective-charge-analysis (ECA) model, in which the averaged partial charge PM(x) (M=Si, O, or N) on a given atom is expressed as a function of x, by using Sanderson’s electronegativity results and the random-bonding model (RBM). The effective Si 2p binding energy EB(Si 2p) was found to be linearly related to PSi(x) per single bond, EB(Si 2p)=10.2PSi(x)+99.3, independent of sample type. This equation predicts that addition of a unit of positive charge onto a Si atom shifts the Si 2p core level downward by 2.55 eV. Furthermore, the ECA model showed that spacing of the Si 2p lines due to five Si(Si4n Mn) (M=O or N) bonding units based on the RBM decreases with increasing n, in contrast to an assumption made by many workers. The evaluated negative partial charge, PO(x) or PN(x), on an O or N atom is found to decrease with increasing x, and the observed EB(O 1s) and EB(N 1s) are also linearly related to PO(x) and PN(x), respectively. Both the O 1s and N 1s core levels were shown to shift downward by around 1.2 eV as a unit negative charge is subtracted from the O and N atom.