X. Community Health Services for Stroke

The Section developed by the Community Health Services Study Group proved to be a difficult, yet important, segment of the "Guidelines." They have worked diligently to prepare a document which will give communities stimulation, information, and direction in achieving the goals of identifying persons at high risk, preventing stroke, improving care of stroke patients, and providing continuity of care, particularly after the life-threatening phase of illness. The awesome responsibilities facing various health workers and community agencies in after-care are detailed. It is i this area that concerted effort can make an important contribution, particularly in those instances where disability is severe and support from many sources is essential. Although no blueprint can be outlined in a manner which will be universally applicable, this description of facilities and services, if applied imaginatively, should be useful to health planners, hospital trustees, civic leaders, health professionals, and educators in mounting community programs for prevention of stroke and comprehensive care of persons who suffer a stroke.