Detection of airborne industrial papain by a radioimmunoassay

A method for measuring papain, an extract of Carica papaya, in the ambient air of an industrial setting was developed using a modified radioallergosorbent test. Papain in air samples was collected and insolubilized by coupling with cyanogen bromide activated cellulose particles. The coval-ently bound papain was measured by incubating the conjugate with anti-papain antibodies of the immunoglobulin E class (IgE) and anti-IgE-I125. Binding of the radiolabel was directly proportional to the concentration of papain in the conjugate. The sensitivity of the test was such that a minimum of 5 nanograms of papain was reliably measured. Based on sampling conditions, the procedure was capable of measuring concentrations of papain as low as 5 pico-grams per cubic meter of air without dependence on the enzymatic properties of the protease.

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