Long-Term Effects of Connective Tissue Cancer Treatment

In 1999, we began a study to assess the long-term effect of connective tissue cancer treatment on clinical, social, and psychologic aspects of the lives of surviving patients. A specially designed computer program generated an 85-item questionnaire, which was sent to more than 2000 patients with malignant bone and soft tissue neoplasms. Twelve hundred forty-four patients responded. The data were entered into a computer system and were correlated with the clinical information already contained in the system for the individual patients. Although there are many possible uses for these data, we chose to do a study comparing the lifestyle and physical and sociologic problems for 144 patients treated with chemotherapy and surgery for high-grade osteosarcoma against a control population consisting of 61 patients treated surgically for benign giant cell tumors of bone. The data show a remarkable degree of compensation on the part of the patients with the malignant tumors in terms of some problems but some significant differences particularly in physical status and functional limitations.