Elevated Expression of Ferritin H-Chain mRNA in Metastatic Ovarian Tumor

To identify genes associated with tumor metastasis, we prepared 5 cDNA libraries using mRNA from normal ovaries, paired primary and metastatic ovarian tumors, as well as paired cultured ovarian tumor cells. By differential screening, we identified 12 clones, which can be divided into 3 classes based on hybridization to various probes. Class 1 clones showed no reaction with the normal probe, slight or no reaction with the primary probe, but high reaction with the metastatic probe. Class 2 clones showed some reaction with normal and primary probes, but showed stronger reaction with the metastatic probe. Class 3 clones showed strong hybridization to the normal probe, slight or no reaction with the primary probe, and did not hybridize with the metastatic clone. These clones were further analyzed by determination of DNA sequence. One of the class 1 clones (clone 1) was identified as ferritin heavy chain. Northern blot analysis showed higher expression of ferritin H-chain in metastatic samples compared to primary tumor in 16/23 pairs of samples analyzed so far.