Two-dimensional classical electron gas in a periodic field: Delocalization and dielectric-plasma transition

Results are reported of extensive molecular-dynamics simulations of a two-dimensional Coulomb gas made up of finite-size ions held fixed on the sites of a triangular lattice, and of classical electrons moving in the periodic field of the ions. The fixed-ion model maps the dielectric-plasma (or Kosterlitz-Thouless) transition of the Coulomb gas onto a delocalization transition of the electrons. The transition is characterized by a number of static and dynamic ‘‘diagnostics.’’ As the temperature is increased in the dielectric phase, electron self-diffusion and electrical conductivity set in at a density-dependent threshold temperature T1. The breakup of ion-electron pairs is signaled by a sharp peak in the specific heat at a temperature T2>T1. As T1 is approached from above in the plasma phase, the screening length diverges. In the high-temperature plasma, the frequency of the long-wavelength collective charge oscillation (plasmon) mode decreases with T and the mode becomes overdamped by ion-electron recombination well before the threshold T1 is reached. The dispersion ω(k) of the mode exhibits an unexpected oscillatory behavior. The temperatures T1 and T2 increase as the density decreases and there is strong evidence that the low-density limit of the reduced temperatures T1*=kBT/e2 and T2* is 1/2 as compared with the value (1/4 expected for the mobile-ion case.