Exchange interaction in rare-earth-doped IV-VI diluted magnetic semiconductors

The magnetization and magnetic susceptibility of Bridgman-grown Sn1x GdxTe samples with values of x up to 0.09 have been measured in fields up to 5.5 T over a temperature range from 2 to 300 K and in fields up to 23 T at 4.2 K. The low-field, high-temperature susceptibility data followed the Curie-Weiss relation with a small Curie temperature. The magnetic-field dependence of the magnetization was fitted to an expression containing a Brillouin function, representing isolated magnetic ions, plus a term representing pair interactions. Both the susceptibility and the high-field magnetization data indicated a weak antiferromagnetic coupling among Gd ions. These results are compared with our previously obtained exchange parameters for Pb1x GdxTe and Pb1x EuxTe. The exchange interaction in Sn1x GdxTe is larger than in PbTe-based, rare-earth-doped chalcogenides, in agreement with the smaller cation-anion spacing in SnTe-based compounds. A ferromagnetic or spin-glass ordering due to the possible Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida interaction in Sn1x GdxTe with high hole concentration was not observed.