Increase in Dry Weight and Total Nitrogen Content in Zea mays and Setaria italica Associated with Nitrogen-fixing Azospirillum spp.

The association between nitrogen-fixing bacteria from the genus Azospirillum and the grasses Zea mays and Setaria italica was investigated in sterilized Leonard-jar assemblies. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria isolated from Cynodon dactylon roots in Israel and Azospirillum brasilense (Sp-7, Sp-80, and Cd) were examined. C2H2 reduction activity was detected in systems containing 0.0 to 0.08 but not in those containing 0.16 gram per liter NH4NO3. The organisms tested significantly increased plant dry weight (50-100%), total N content of leaves (50-100%) and C2H4 production (300-1000 nanomoles C2H4 per plant per hour). Highest C2H2 reduction activities were obtained above 30 C and with high light intensities. Significant increases in S. italica dry weight (DW) and nitrogen (N) content were observed in sand (DW = 80%, N = 150%), sandy loam soil (DW = 80%, N = 75%) and loess (DW = 37%, N = 25%). The results obtained in this work clearly demonstrate the potential benefit of inoculating grasses with Azospirillum.