In situ detection of HPV DNA in oral mucosal lesions. A comparison of two hybridization kits

The purpose of this study was to compare the sensitivity of ViraType in situ hybridization kit (Life Technologies, Inc. [LT] and PathoGene (Enzo Diagnostics, Inc. [ED]) in situ hybridization kit for human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA detection in oral tissue. Forty benign oral lesions histologically suspicious for HPV infection were analyzed. Specimens were hybridized with DNA probes specific for HPV types 6/11, 16/18, and 31/33/35 [LT] and HPV types 6/11, 16/18, and 31/33/51 [ED]. Positive hybridization reactions were seen for HPV DNA type 6/11 only. Hybridization occurred significantly more often (p less than 0.01, McNemar Exact Test) in LT probed specimens (20/40) than ED assayed sections (12/40). HPV DNA sequences were found in 100% condyloma acuminata (13/13), 100% verruca vulgaris (4/4), and 13% squamous papilloma (3/23) using the LT system. The ED probes yielded positive signals in 77% condyloma acuminata (10/13), 25% verruca vulgaris (1/4), and 4.4% squamous papilloma (1/23). A more intense hybridization signal was exhibited using the LT system. The results indicate that the LT probes and detection reagents are more sensitive for detecting HPV DNA in oral mucosal specimens.