The Stroke Prognosis Instrument II (SPI-II)

Background and Purpose—In 1991 we developed the Stroke Prognosis Instrument (SPI-I) to stratify patients with transient ischemic attack or ischemic stroke by prognosis for stroke or death in 2 years. In this article we validate and improve SPI-I (creating SPI-II). Methods—To validate SPI-I, we applied it to 4 test cohorts and calculated pooled outcome rates. To create SPI-II, we incorporated new predictive variables identified in 1 of the test cohorts and validated it in the other 3 cohorts. Results—For SPI-I, pooled rates (all 4 test cohorts) of stroke or death within 2 years in risk groups I, II, and III were 9%, 17%, and 24%, respectively (P70 years (2 points); stroke for the index event (not transient ischemic attack) (2 points); hypertens...