Effect of an Ankle Orthosis and Ankle Ligament Anesthesia on Ankle Joint Proprioception

The purposes of this study were to determine the effect of a rigid ankle orthosis (Aircast Air-Stirrup) and lateral ankle ligament anesthesia on ankle joint proprioception. Twelve noninjured subjects attempted to match nine reference ankle joint positions with their eyes closed before and after application of the ankle brace and be fore and after one or two of the lateral ankle ligaments (anterior talofibular and calcaneofibular) were anesthe tized. Three-dimensional ankle joint orientations were recorded with a Motion Analysis system. No significant differences in the constant, variable, or absolute error were seen between subjects in the non- anesthetized and anesthetized conditions (P > 0.05), regardless of whether one or two ligaments were anes thetized. Thus, it appears that ligament mechanorecep tors contributed little to ankle joint proprioception, and that the afferent feedback from skin, muscle, and other joint receptors was adequate for the positioning task of the present study. Both the variable and absolute error in matching the reference positions were significantly less with the orthosis than without (P < 0.05). Applica tion of an orthosis may increase the afferent feedback from cutaneous receptors in the foot and shank, which may in turn lead to an improved ankle joint position sense.