Ultra-Short-Acting Thiobarbituric Acids

Four N-methylthiobarbituric acids were studied and compared with Na 5-allyl-5-(l-methylbutyl)-thio-barbiturate and thiopental in rats, rabbits, cats, and dogs. They are all potent anesthetics by intraven. injn. The N-methylated derivatives, in an observed AD60, have a shorter duration of anesthetic and hypnotic action than the 2 non-methylated compounds. When half of AD50 is intraven. injd. at hourly intervals, all 4 N-methyl-substituted barbiturates show less cumulative action than Na 5-allyl-5-(l-methylbutyl)-thiobarbiturate and still less than thiopental. In anesthetized cats 2 of the N-methyl barbiturates produce less hiccup, sneezing, and coughing than Na 5-allyl-5-(l-methylbutyl)-thiobarbiturate and thiopental, while the 2 others are free from such effects. Like all barbiturates the 4 N-methylated compounds when injd. intraven. in anesthetized dogs, lower the blood pressure and depress respiration but do not inhibit the vagal response. They induce slight hypothermia and tachycardia in dogs following an AD50.

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