Modified formalin and methanol fixation methods for molecular biological and morphological analyses

Several simplified fixation methods were examined to determine their suitability for both molecular biological analyses and morphological study. Fixation with 10% v/v formalin alone at 4°C and containing 5 mmol/L ethylenediamine‐N, N, N', N'‐tetraacetic acld (EDTA) at room temperature preserved significantly more high‐molecular‐weight DNA than 10% v/v formalin fixation at room temperature. The morphological differences between tissues fixed using these modified formalin fixation methods and conventional 10% v/v formalin fixation were negligible. Of the dehydration fixatives tested, 100% methanol did not cause regional differences due to artificial tissue shrinkage and the morphology of sections prepared by methanol fixation was preserved consistently better than that of acetone‐ or ethanol‐fixed sections. All three dehydration fixatives preserved relatively higher‐molecular‐weight DNA and RNA, compared with formalin. Cold formalin, formalin containing EDTA at room temperature and 100% methanol are recommended as standard and additional fixatives routine clinic pathological laboratory use.