Polygonal networks in living chick embryonic cells

Regular polygonal networks have been found in explants and dissociated cells of early chick embryos. These networks are readily observable in live cells with phase-contrast optics thus allowing time-lapse cinemicroscopy. They consisted of a regular pattern of nodes and radiating struts found predominantly in the lamelliplasm of the free edges of the cells bordering expiants. At the outer edge, the network was terminated by radial struts associated with substrate-attached retraction processes whilst toward the centre of the cells it faded out.The network was also associated with stress fibres running across the cell and with microextensions on the dorsal surface. Even within one cell the network varied in size. Time-lapse films showed that microvilli were protruded from the dorsal surface over the nodes. Although the cells containing the networks were poorly motile the network itself was a mobile structure.Many explants from regions differing in prospective fates developed these networks after 2–4 days in culture. They appeared earlier in the smaller less yolky cells of definitive endoblast and epiblast. Experiments with dissociated and reaggregated cells confirmed their occurrence mainly in free edges of cells. The relationship between these networks seen in living chick embryo cells and those seen in other cell types using immunofluorescent techniques is discussed and a mechanism is proposed for their formation.