Detection of Nonthermal Radio Emission from Coronal X-Ray Jets

We report the detection of a type III burst in association with a dynamic X-ray coronal jet observed by Yohkoh/SXT. The type III burst observed with the Nançay (France) multifrequency radioheliograph is spatially and temporally coincident with the X-ray jet. The radio locations at different frequencies (236.6 and 164 MHz) are aligned along the length of the jet. The observation of the type III burst in association with the X-ray jet implies the acceleration of electrons to several tens of keV, along with the heating responsible for the production of soft X-rays. This association implies the existence of open field lines in dense coronal structures identified on the Sun's disk. This is the first observation of dense coronal structures on the disk, along which type III emitting nonthermal electrons propagate. We find that this structure begins to form before the type III emission. At the time of the type III burst we estimate a density of 6-10 × 108 cm-3 for a temperature of ~5-6 MK at an altitude of 20,000 km.