Immunocytochemical demonstration of α2-M-R/LRP on Müller (glial) cells isolated from rabbit and human retina

The alpha 2-macroglobulin receptor/low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (alpha 2-M-R/LRP) is a multifunctional receptor which has been implicated in lipoprotein metabolism, clearance of proteinase-proteinase inhibitor complexes and regulation of growth factor/cytokine metabolism. This receptor is abundantly present in numerous tissues and organs such as liver, lung, placenta and brain. In brain it is expressed in neurones but not in normal macroglia. Using immunocytochemistry and monoclonal antibodies against the large extracellular receptor subunit we have detected alpha 2-M-R/LRP on enzymatically isolated retinal Müller (glial) cells. This receptor may be involved in vital functions of Müller cells.