A second unrelated bone marrow transplant: successful quantitative monitoring of mixed chimerism using a highly discriminative PCR-STR system

A second bone marrow transplant (BMT) might be considered as an option in patients with leukaemia with graft failure after BMT. We report the successful treatment of a patient with graft failure by a second stem cell transplant from another unrelated donor. We evaluated the usefulness of an unrelated donor as the source of the second BMT in this clinical setting. In addition to this, a penta PCR‐STR system was tested and shown to be sensitive for monitoring of marrow engraftment. The conditioning regimen for the first transplantation consisted of busulfan and cyclophosphamide while anti‐thymocyte globulin and CY were used for the second BMT. The patient successfully engrafted at day + 11 after second BMT.