Associated production ofCP-odd and charged Higgs bosons at hadron colliders

In the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM), the masses of the charged Higgs boson (H±) and the CP-odd scalar (A) are related by MH+2=MA2+mW2 at the Born level. Because the coupling of WAH+ is fixed by the gauge interaction, the Born level production rate of qqW±*AH± depends on only one supersymmetry parameter—the mass (MA) of A. We examine the sensitivity of the CERN LHC to this signal event in the A(bb¯)H+(τ+ντ) and A(bb¯)H+(tb¯) decay channels. We illustrate how to test the mass relation between A and H+ in case the signal is found. If the signal is not found, the product of the decay branching ratios of A and H± predicted by the MSSM is bounded from above as a function of MA.