Kinetics and thermodynamics of end-functionalized polymer adsorption and desorption processes

We present results from a Monte Carlo study of adsorption processes of end-functionalized polymers from a solution to an adsorbing solid surface. We consider moderately large polymer chains with up to 200 monomers, and study the kinetics of polymer brush formation in a situation where the brush is in contact with a bulk reservoir which can supply chains to the brush without any limit. In our simulations, we consider both the kinetics of the adsorption process and the equilibrium structure of the brushes thus formed. Once the brushes are formed and in equilibrium, we study the desorption of such an equilibrium brush layer under the conditions of (i) rinsing by a pure solvent, and (ii) keeping the brush in contact with a solution containing other ‘‘attacking’’ chains with either stronger functional groups or shorter lengths. The results of these studies are compared with analytical theories and experiments.