Direct population ofjp+jn=Jmaxtwo-particle states inBi206,208,210

Closely related high spin states in Bi206, Bi208, and Bi210 are preferentially excited in the Pb204,206,208(α, d) reaction at 48 MeV. The character of these states can be understood from the selectivity of the (α, d) transfer mechanism and experimental systematics. Microscopic distorted-wave Born approximation predictions are consistent with new Jπ assignments for 14 strongly excited states with 9J14. The accuracy of standard distored-wave Born approximation predictions for Pb(α, d) at 48 MeV changes systematically with increasing L transfer from good (L5) to poor (L11). This shortcoming is not overcome by full finite range calculations. The strong population of 10, 11+, 12+, and 14 states involves the largest L transfers in direct reactions observed to date.