Theory of Magnetic Anisotropy in III_{1-x}Mn_{x}V Ferromagnets

We present a theory of magnetic anisotropy in ${\rm III}_{1-x}{\rm Mn}_{x}{\rm V}$ diluted magnetic semiconductors with carrier-induced ferromagnetism. The theory is based on four and six band envelope functions models for the valence band holes and a mean-field treatment of their exchange interactions with ${\rm Mn}^{++}$ ions. We find that easy-axis reorientations can occur as a function of temperature, carrier density $p$, and strain. The magnetic anisotropy in strain-free samples is predicted to have a $p^{5/3}$ hole-density dependence at small $p$, a $p^{-1}$ dependence at large $p$, and remarkably large values at intermediate densities. An explicit expression, valid at small $p$, is given for the uniaxial contribution to the magnetic anisotropy due to unrelaxed epitaxial growth lattice-matching strains. Results of our numerical simulations are in agreement with magnetic anisotropy measurements on samples with both compressive and tensile strains. We predict that decreasing the hole density in current samples will lower the ferromagnetic transition temperature, but will increase the magnetic anisotropy energy and the coercivity.