Fully relativistic formulas for the energy-level shifts arising from no-pair exchange diagrams of two transverse photons plus an arbitrary number of Coulomb photons are derived in closed form within the external potential Bethe-Salpeter formalism. O(α7(lnα)mc2) corrections to the fine-structure splittings of helium are obtained and expressed in terms of expectation values of nonrelativistic operators. O(α7 mc2) operators from exchange diagrams are found in nonrelativistic approximation. O(α6 m2 c2/M) nucleus-electron operators contributing to the fine-structure splittings are derived. Nonrelativistic operators of O(α6 mc2) corrections to the triplet levels of helium are presented. Nonrelativistic operators of O(α6(lnα)mc2) corrections to the helium singlet levels and to positronium S levels are derived. O(α6 m2 c2/M) hydrogen and O(α6 mc2) positronium P levels, and O(α6(lnα)mc2) corrections of first order to positronium S levels, are calculated using the derived operators for helium, in agreement with those obtained previously by others, except for one term in corrections to positronium P levels. In addition, the O(α6 mc2) Dirac energies for hydrogenic non-S levels are exactly reproduced in a perturbative calculation. © 1996 The American Physical Society.