Measurement of Time-Dependent CP-Violating Asymmetries in B0ϕKS0, K+KKS0, and ηKS0 Decays

We present an improved measurement of CP-violation parameters in B0ϕKS0, K+KKS0, and ηKS0 decays based on a 140   fb1 data sample collected at the Υ(4S) resonance with the Belle detector at the KEKB energy-asymmetric e+e collider. One neutral B meson is fully reconstructed in one of the specified decay channels, and the flavor of the accompanying B meson is identified from its decay products. CP-violation parameters for each of the three modes are obtained from the asymmetries in the distributions of the proper-time intervals between the two B decays. We find that the observed CP asymmetry in the BϕKS0 decay differs from the standard model (SM) expectation by 3.5 standard deviations, while the other cases are consistent with the SM.