Developmental and Physiological Pattern of Aldose Reductase mRNA Expression in Lens and Retina

Aldose reductase (AR), an enzyme which converts glucose to sorbitol, has been implicated in the pathogenesis of diabetic cataracts and retinopathy. The normal physiological role of this enzyme in ocular tissue, however, remains unclear. In a developmental study in the rat using in situ and Northern hybridization analyses, we have found that there is a high level of AR mRNA expression in optic cup and lens as early as embryonic day 13. Serial sections through whole embryos at this stage showed that the eye was the only site of AR mRNA hybridization. Levels of AR mRNA declined in the retina as differentiation proceeded and were very sparse there postnatally. As lens development progressed, epithelial AR mRNA levels remained high, especially in the germinative zone, which is the source of the cells that will become lens fibers, and in the bow region, where these cells undergo a dramatic morphogenetic differentiation into lens fibers. AR mRNA was undetectable in terminally differentiated lens fibers. Since it has been suggested that AR-catalyzed sorbitol production could be an osmoprotective device of lens epithelium during systemic hyperosmolar stress, AR mRNA levels from dehydrated hyperosmolar rats were compared with euvolemic control values, and no difference was found. In summary, AR appears to be of particular importance in the development of the eye, with its retinal role receding relative to lens as differentiation is completed. A continued high level of expression in lens epithelium in adulthood may be explained by the fact that lens tissue, unlike retina, normally continues to proliferate and differentiate after birth. The temporal and spatial pattern of distribution of AR mRNA is strongly suggestive of a role for this enzyme in lens fiber morphogenesis.