Square-Wave Endurance Exercise Test (SWEET) for training and assessment in trained and untrained subjects

In order to obtain information about physiological and homeostasic responses at the Maximal Intensity of Endurance of the 45 min “Square-Wave Endurance Exercise Test” (MIE45), three arterial blood samples were taken: (a) at rest; (b) at the 45th min of the SWEET; (c) after 15 min of recovery, to measure paO2, paCO2, [H+], [Hb], and [lactate] in 14 normal male subjects: four trained (T) six well trained (WT) and four others untrained (U). Total mechanical work (TMW) corresponding to MIE45 was significantly higher (x ± SEM) respectively in WT (9.22±0.65 kJ·kg−1, p−1, ppp45, [H+] and paO2 remained within the range of normal values. These results suggest that trained and untrained subjects can be trained with the exhausting MIE45 exercise while maintaining a constant [H+] and paO2 at the 45th min of exercise.