E2M1 Ratios in the Isomeric Transitions of Te121 and Te123, and the Decay of the Te121 Isomers to Sb121

The decay of Te121 isomers and the decay of Te123m have been investigated with scintillation and proportional counter spectrometers, coincidence techniques, and a high resolution beta-ray spectrometer for the measurement of the conversion spectrum. In the decay of the Te121 isomers to levels of Sb121, transitions of the following energies have been found: 37, 66, 470, 508, 573, and 1110 keV. The 37, 1110, and 66 508 cascades have been established by coincidence measurements. A 37, 470 cascade is indicated by precision energy measurements. Coincidences between the 66- and 1110-keV transitions expected to occur on the basis of reports in the literature, could not be found. By a careful analysis of the conversion spectrum, it was possible to determine, from L subshell ratios, the multipolarities of most of the gamma rays. A decay scheme is proposed which accounts for all of the observed data and in which the first-excited state in Sb121 lies at 37 keV. The half-life of the 37-keV level in Sb121, measured by the delayed coincidence method, was found to be (3.5±0.2)×109 sec. Furthermore, from the analysis of the L1L2L3 ratios observed in the conversion spectrum, the E2M1 ratio values could be determined for the 212- and 159-keV transitions in Te121m and Te123m, respectively. The results are: E2M1=0.050 for the 212-keV transition and E2M1=0.0067 for the 159-keV transition. The E2 speeds of these transitions have been inferred from the known lifetimes of the 212-keV state in Te121 and of the 159-keV state in Te123; the results are 26 and 4.5 times the single-particle speeds, respectively.